+61 404 044 991

44 Joseph Avenue, Moggill, Queensland AUSTRALIA, 4070

Consulting Services

Geology and Petrology Experts

Dr Paul Ashley

Ashley Petrographic & Geological Services   Email: papags47@gmail.com  Phone: +61 2 6772 8293

Stephen Bird

Laboratory Manger – SLR Consulting   Email: steven.bird@slrconsultingcom  Phone: 1800 497 587

Daniel Cukierski

Laboratory Manager – MEnD Laboratories    Email: Daniel.Cukierski@mend.com.au  Phone: 0409 438 544

Dr Robert H.C. Madden

Principal Geologist & Petrologist – Microanalysis Australia Pty Ltd   Email: robert.madden@microanalysis.com.au  Phone: +61 8 9225 5810

Dr Jane Barron

Consulting Petrologist
Email: barronjandl@optusnet.com.au  Phone: +61 415 188 395

Trudie Bradbury

Senior Engineering Geologist – Stantec Australia Pty Ltd   Email: Trudie.Bradbury@stantec.com  Phone: +61 7 4952 5255

David Gregson

Business Manager – Laboratories GroundWork Plus   Email: davegregson@slrconsulting.com  Phone: 1800 497 587

Dr Carol Simpson

Petrologist – Carol Simpson Petrographic Services   Email: carols.geo@protonmail.com  Phone: +61 411 482 876

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Our laboratory equipment will be undergoing annual service maintenance from the

22nd January – 2nd February 2024.  

We will still be accepting your orders and deliveries and prepping orders for production, but please bear with us, as turnaround times will be pushed out due to the downtime.


Thanking you in advance, TSA



TSA would just like to take this time to thank you for your continued support throughout the past year.  We look forward to being of service in the new year.


Please note that the office will be closed from the 23rd December 2024 and reopening on the 27th January 2025.  All parcels received during this time will be actioned on our return.


Here's wishing you a wonderful Christmas and prosperous new year. 


If the matter is urgent, please feel free to contact me on 0404 044 991 or if you are looking for a quotation, please visit our website and try out the online estimating tool by clicking on the estimate tab.


WEBSITE:  https://thinsection.com.au


Sample Delivery Address: 44 Joseph Avenue, Moggill, Qld 4070