+61 404 044 991

44 Joseph Avenue, Moggill, Queensland AUSTRALIA, 4070

Latest technology is applied to all aspects of the sample preparation process and combined with traditional ‘old-school’ methods to deliver the results you need.

Small, medium and large customers can receive the same level of quality sample preparation, fast turn-around, reliability and professional service for all kinds of analysis techniques.  Thin Section Australia can deliver both blocks and thin sections on various sizes of glass slides. We can even prepare samples on super high quality quartz slides, but due to the nature of their cost and infrequent need, we do not keep them in stock. However, please feel free to give us a heads-up as soon as you have the green light for your project, and we can order them in for you. 

We can prepare any kind of mineral sample for preparation in the block or glass slide format. In addition to the usual mining targets found on the periodic table, we prepare loose sands, clays, fossils, meteorites and construction materials. We can prepare for any kind of traditional or modern analysis equipment – optical microscope, electron microprobe, XRD and QEMSCAN to synchrotron. We’ve done it all before.

You can choose every facet of your sample preparation by using the Job Estimation/Order Now online ordering tool. Using the Job Estimation online ordering you can quickly get an estimate of the cost for a single thin section or a whole project. You have no obligation to make an order and can store your Job Estimates in your account. Use your Job Estimation to submit a project request, then once approved, come back and quickly convert it into an order.

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Our laboratory equipment will be undergoing annual service maintenance from the

22nd January – 2nd February 2024.  

We will still be accepting your orders and deliveries and prepping orders for production, but please bear with us, as turnaround times will be pushed out due to the downtime.


Thanking you in advance, TSA