+61 404 044 991

44 Joseph Avenue, Moggill, Queensland AUSTRALIA, 4070

Our business exists to service our customers’ needs - quality sample preparation, fast turn-around, reliability and professional service

Our Latest Production Technology And Constantly Revised Production Processes Deliver Fast Turn-Around Times Without Compromising Quality For Every Type Of Analysis – Optical To Synchrotron

Thin Section Australia was born from the ashes of the global financial crisis that devastated the mining industry worldwide.

Former employees of companies like Intellection (QEMSCAN and Struers distributors) started a garage business in 2013 following many requests from friends and former customers. They were frustrated with inconsistent quality, poor service, and most importantly, they were tired of waiting up to six weeks to receive orders.

Our coalition of highly trained and experienced technicians is based in Brisbane, Australia, but we have customers in all States and Territories of Australia and even internationally.

Our customers range from one-person petrological consultants to Geological Surveys, Universities, and international mining companies. We are discreet and don’t name drop. We use the latest automated material preparation.

Our Mission

Be a reliable partner that our customers can trust, to consistently deliver high quality sample preparation with industry leading turn-around times and hassle-free service.

Quality Policy

If you receive a thin section not prepared to your custom specifications, or is damaged in transit, please notify us immediately and we will replace it at no cost. We only ask that you return the unsatisfactory slide to us so we can fully understand the problem and learn from it.

Overview of the online Job Estimation and Ordering Process

Our technicians are highly experienced and are based in Brisbane. We use the latest automated material preparation equipment to deliver a consistently high-quality product. Our ever-increasing knowledge base and constantly revised processes deliver fast turn-around times.

Thin Section Australia started in 2013, following many requests from friends, who were tired of waiting up to six weeks to receive orders, for important polished thin section samples.

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Our laboratory equipment will be undergoing annual service maintenance from the

22nd January – 2nd February 2024.  

We will still be accepting your orders and deliveries and prepping orders for production, but please bear with us, as turnaround times will be pushed out due to the downtime.


Thanking you in advance, TSA