We specialise in the 'BLACK ART' of quality geographic, petrographic, mineral sample preparation because you've got better things to do with your time.
Your time is precious, so Thin Section Australia combines the latest automated equipment, web-based pricing/ordering and reliable service to deliver high quality petrographic, geographic and mineral sample preparation every time.
Thin Section Preparation for in-house Experts and Consultants
We prepare thin sections and blocks for analysis with a polarising microscope, SEM (scanning electron microscope), microprobe, XRD (x-ray diffraction), XRF (x-ray fluorescence) and MLA or QEMSCAN. Producing thin sections is a time-consuming process and requires specialized equipment and lots of practice to get it right. We regularly work with:-
(1) Consulting geologists, petrologists, mineralogists, geoscientists and palaeontologists
(2) University – Researchers, Lecturers and Students
(3) Mining exploration and quality control management
(4) Oil and Gas exploration and quality control management
(5) Construction materials and geotechnical testing

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Time is money, so what are your thin section/block preparation options ?
- Build your own sample preparation laboratory and hire a technician/lab manager. It must be kept running to cover high fixed costs. (Expensive and creates more work for you)
- Send to the same old guy you’ve used in the past. He’s grumpy, provides poor service and still does lapping by hand. He used to be OK, but he takes forever to do a dozen polished thin sections. (Slow, unreliable and causes friction with your boss or clients)
- Outsource overseas for a low base price, but by the time you factor in your freight costs, lost production (usually 6 weeks), express service fees, and then cross your fingers and hope there’s not a problem with the samples. (Slow and risky)
- Outsource locally to a company with new automated equipment. Fast turn-around (usually done in less than 10 working days excluding freight time), instant job pricing online and guaranteed quality. Personal service where, if the customer is not 100% happy with a thin section, the laboratory will gladly do it again. (Risk management, fast service, quality control, easy)

Job Estimation | Order Process
The price estimation and ordering process can start by simply clicking on the Job Estimation or Order Now buttons on the home page.
After you register your account, you will take a step by step through the process of deciding what preparation options you want (e.g. slide size, polishing). At the same time, it will ask you to sort your samples into groups that require the same preparation because different preparation will decide a different price. It will give you a price per sample, per group and a total.
Below, are few examples of the information you will be asked to produce the result you want.
Blocks or Slides
28mm x 48mm,
26mm x 76mm,
or even 51mm x 76mm
Thin Section Australia was born from the ashes of the global financial crisis that devastated the mining industry worldwide.
In 2013, a group of former employees from companies like Intellection (QEMSCAN and Struers distributors) decided to embark on a new venture after receiving numerous requests from their friends and former customers. These individuals were dissatisfied with the inconsistent quality and poor service they experienced in the industry, but most notably, they were frustrated with the long waiting times of up to six weeks to receive their important polished thin section samples.
Thus, Thin Section Australia was born, answering the call for a more reliable and efficient service in the market. Operating from Brisbane, Australia, our coalition comprises highly trained and experienced technicians. Although we are based in Brisbane, our reach extends to customers in all States and Territories of Australia, and even internationally.
Our diverse clientele includes one-man/woman petrological consultants, Geological Surveys, Universities, and international mining companies. We take pride in maintaining confidentiality and professionalism with our clients, refraining from name-dropping or sharing sensitive information.
To ensure top-notch results, we employ the latest automated material preparation techniques, enabling us to deliver exceptional polished thin section samples efficiently and promptly. Our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction has earned us a reputable position in the industry.
Request a Manual Quote
Important: Orders submitted using email forms require a significant increase in labour to process, so a loading charge of 10% will be automatically applied to the invoiced amount. See attached form that they will receive when selecting this request.